These shall include, but not limited to:

  1. English language is the only means of communication in the academy, except during language classes
  2. Junior students are to respect senior students by appending the title “senior” to their names, e.g senior Bola
  3. Students are to address their elders by their title and last names, e.g, Teacher. Obi
  4. Students must greet staff and parents at all times within the school premises 
  5. Student must always appear neat in complete academy uniform with shirts properly tucked in.
  6. Tuck shop can only be opened to students during break periods and after school hours


  1. Wearing of necklaces, bangles, rings, hair ruffles, ribbons, dangling and big earrings. Only small ear rings for the girls will be allowed
  2. Wearing of braids and weave –on
  3. Pocket money exceeding two hundred naira (N 200.00) per student per day
  4. Wearing of make – up. However, the use of light body deodorant or perfume is permitted.
  5. Chewing gum.
  6. Possession of phones, walkman and electronic games.
  7. Eating during lessons 
  8. Loitering around during classes 
  9. Smoking and keeping of beards
  10. Reading of comics, magazines and novels during classes.
  11. Possession of pornographic material
  12. Leaving the academy premises without official permissions during school hours.
  13. Inappropriate communication between opposite sex 
  14. Unhealthy relationship between opposite sex 
  15. Homosexually and lesbianism
  16. Extortion of money / items from fellow  student 
  17. Unauthorized  possession or sales of academy’s properties 
  18. Illegal possession of un-recommended drugs 
  19. Concealing information of any fraudulent act committed by any other student from the authorities of the academy 
  20. Fighting in the academy premises 
  21. Disobedience of official instruction from delegated authorities 
  22. Involving in out of school activities that are criminal ,embarrassing or detrimental to the good image of the academy 
  23. Lack of courtesy in dealing with fellow student/staff and management of the academy 
  24. Rebellion and inciting of rebellious activities 
  25. Consuming or being
  26. Unserious attitude to academy’s properties
  27. Cheating in exams
  28. Malicious damage to academy’s properties
  29. Malicious gossiping and spreading falsehood
  30. Illegal possession of dangerous or sharp objects
  31. Unkempt appearance
  32. Use of abusive words


Apart from instant expulsion (for 14 above), refunding the amount involved (for (16) above), retrieval of academy’s properties, (for 17), dispossessions of non recommended books, drugs and dangerous weapons, items seized will  returned to parents at a later date. Depending on the severity of the offenses committed, corrective penalties/ disciplinary measures will include:  

  • Counseling and prayers 
  • Phone call to parents 
  • Parent’s/principal conference
  • Written correction note (to be signed by parents and returned to the academy
  • Corporal correction – writing of imposition, sweeping the class, cleaning school compound/ the windows/ toilets kneeling down in class or staff room strokes of the cane.
  • Suspensions
  • Expulsion                                                 

Students suspended from school will only be re- admitted following a successful outcome of the parent/ school’s conference.



 Academy believes that the kind of discipline a school operates proportionally affects the quality of education that the school will offer. If children are undisciplined, their overall performance will suffer. This academy believes in firm discipline for a better citizen and encourages parents to initiate such at home. Parents should carefully note that in addition to the school curriculum, the Academy undertakes to:

  • Teach the students to respect both school authorities and other established authorities
  • To know and observe the school rules and maintain all established and approved standards of behavior.
  • Inculcate knowledge, excellence and humility in the students, guided by biblical principles that honor God and promote dignity and brotherhood among the students. Parents can support the Academy’s efforts by respecting whatever disciplinary measures that are taken by the Academy to correct an unwanted character trait. Parents are also encouraged to initiate such at home.


These shall include, but not limited to:

  1. English language is the only means of communication in the academy, except during language classes
  2. Junior students are to respect senior students by appending the title “senior” to their names, e.g senior Bola
  3. Students are to address their elders by their title and last names, e.g, Teacher. Obi
  4. Students must greet staff and parents at all times within the school premises 
  5. Student must always appear neat in complete academy uniform with shirts properly tucked in.
  6. Tuck shop can only be opened to students during break periods and after school hours


  1. Wearing of necklaces, bangles, rings, hair ruffles, ribbons, dangling and big earrings. Only small ear rings for the girls will be allowed
  2. Wearing of braids and weave –on
  3. Pocket money exceeding two hundred naira (N 200.00) per student per day
  4. Wearing of make – up. However, the use of light body deodorant or perfume is permitted.
  5. Chewing gum.
  6. Possession of phones, walkman and electronic games.
  7. Eating during lessons 
  8. Loitering around during classes 
  9. Smoking and keeping of beards
  10. Reading of comics, magazines and novels during classes.
  11. Possession of pornographic material
  12. Leaving the academy premises without official permissions during school hours.
  13. Inappropriate communication between opposite sex 
  14. Unhealthy relationship between opposite sex 
  15. Homosexually and lesbianism
  16. Extortion of money / items from fellow  student 
  17. Unauthorized  possession or sales of academy’s properties 
  18. Illegal possession of un-recommended drugs 
  19. Concealing information of any fraudulent act committed by any other student from the authorities of the academy 
  20. Fighting in the academy premises 
  21. Disobedience of official instruction from delegated authorities 
  22. Involving in out of school activities that are criminal ,embarrassing or detrimental to the good image of the academy 
  23. Lack of courtesy in dealing with fellow student/staff and management of the academy 
  24. Rebellion and inciting of rebellious activities 
  25. Consuming or being
  26. Unserious attitude to academy’s properties
  27. Cheating in exams
  28. Malicious damage to academy’s properties
  29. Malicious gossiping and spreading falsehood
  30. Illegal possession of dangerous or sharp objects
  31. Unkempt appearance
  32. Use of abusive words


Apart from instant expulsion (for 14 above), refunding the amount involved (for (16) above), retrieval of academy’s properties, (for 17), dispossessions of non recommended books, drugs and dangerous weapons, items seized will  returned to parents at a later date. Depending on the severity of the offenses committed, corrective penalties/ disciplinary measures will include:  

  • Counseling and prayers 
  • Phone call to parents 
  • Parent’s/principal conference
  • Written correction note (to be signed by parents and returned to the academy
  • Corporal correction – writing of imposition, sweeping the class, cleaning school compound/ the windows/ toilets kneeling down in class or staff room strokes of the cane.
  • Suspensions
  • Expulsion                                                 

Students suspended from school will only be re- admitted following a successful outcome of the parent/ school’s conference.



 Academy believes that the kind of discipline a school operates proportionally affects the quality of education that the school will offer. If children are undisciplined, their overall performance will suffer. This academy believes in firm discipline for a better citizen and encourages parents to initiate such at home. Parents should carefully note that in addition to the school curriculum, the Academy undertakes to:

  • Teach the students to respect both school authorities and other established authorities
  • To know and observe the school rules and maintain all established and approved standards of behavior.
  • Inculcate knowledge, excellence and humility in the students, guided by biblical principles that honor God and promote dignity and brotherhood among the students. Parents can support the Academy’s efforts by respecting whatever disciplinary measures that are taken by the Academy to correct an unwanted character trait. Parents are also encouraged to initiate such at home.