We offer the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum with excellent links with the Nigerian Curriculum using some Montessori principles and resources.



Our site-based curriculum ensures a smooth flow from the Early Years in Infant School to Year 6 where the Junior School curriculum culminates. This is aso supported by our ICT equipped Lab to enable students have online examinations, learn coding, website designs and other 21st century tech skills.



  • The school period starts 7:45am, Monday to Friday. The regular classes end at 2:00pm and school closes at 3:30pm. However, if the need arises, the authority will inform parents of any change.
  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for the punctuality of their children/wards
  • Parents/Authorized persons are requested to kindly pick up their wards promptly after the close of school.
  • No child should arrive at the school premises earlier than 7.15am. No child should be in the premises of the school after 4.30pm


  • To encourage good reading culture, avoid idleness and residential inconveniences,   the school has in place and after school coaching session for students between the hours of 2:30pm and 3:30pm daily, except Fridays and Wednesdays.
  • All final year students (YEAR 6, JSS3 and SSS3), throughout the session.
  • All other students in the third term.


  • Both the Federal and State governments are of the policy that students should be exposed to co-curricular activities organized clubs available in their schools. these are grouped into two: Subject Oriented societies e.g. JETS club, Homemakers club, press, literary and debating societies, Drama and Dance club, etc.
  • Moral oriented societies like Red-Cross, etc.
  • Every student should belong to, at least a club or society. Each activity will be paid for by the students as at when it occurs.


The Academy also recognizes the inherent benefits of other activities and therefore promotes them. These are:

  • EXCURSION: These are educational trips to places of interest geared towards expanding the students’ horizon.
  • Outdoor Sports: This involves intense coaching leading to championship competitions in sporting activities like swimming and basketball. The coaching is handled by a professional.
  • Each activity is paid for by the students as at when it occurs. Participation is voluntary.
  • Outdoor competitions organised by other schools


This comes up at the end of every academic session. It is ceremony culminating to the award of prizes of excellence in performance in different spheres of activities during the course of the session by students and teachers.  It is fee paying and compulsory activity.



At the end every term, Parents are issued with the bill for the next term. Payment is made thus:


  • All students must pay up outstanding fees for previous term before resumption into new term
  • All students to pay up each term’s fees before the end of the first week of resumption.
  • All final years’ students (JSS3 and SS3) to pay their fees TWICE in the session. The fees for the three terms are divided into 2 equal parts. The 1stpaid in the first term for each payment is to be made before the end of the first week of resumption.
  • All fee defaulting students will be sent out of school by the second week of resumption. Except there is an agreed payment plan with the school.
  • All payment to be made in the school designated bank; tellers presented to school; and school payment receipt issued


STEVE-UNIC Academy’s strength lies in the student’s excellent performance. Performance here is not just academic, but the over-all development of the whole person. Therefore on admission, the class teacher closely monitors and assesses the child’s over-all development throughout the session in order to achieve excellence in that child. In addition, other teachers are trained to mentor and closely observe students and make report to the management. For effectiveness, parents are co-opted to complement the work of the school by closely monitoring the behavior of their children at home and discussing with the school for the overall good of the child. The academy encourages healthy and result oriented school/parent relationship to discuss the child’s progress and performance on regular basis. To further attain this excellence in performance, STEVE-UNIC Academy has the following tools to monitor performance.  


  • Checklist for note and text books: The school has compiled a checklist for note and textbooks. This is a register of all the subject notebooks and textbooks a child should have. Parents are advised to keep a copy of this essential tool to monitor their movement and ensure that these books are intact.
  • Special Note book: the Academy does not encourage borrowing of classmate’s note books by students, hence the introduction of the special book. This is a note book kept in the custody of the class teacher and will be released to the student whenever he/she misplaces his/her original notebook for copying of class work. The student’s transfers the work in this note book into the original note book whenever, it is found.
  • Assignment diary: This is a book that contains an inventory of assignments and projects given to the student by the subject teacher as they occur. In STEVE-UNIC Academy, Homework is considered a serious business. Parents are encouraged to check the book for any assignment and ensure that the child sits down, studies and does his assignments. This will also develop a good study habits in the child. Failure to complete or do assignment affects a child’s overall performance and may result to failure. Parents must sign the assignment diary.


The laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology and home economics are equipped with appropriate equipment for effective sound practicals. The school also has an I.C.T laboratory. I.C.T/Science practical are fee paying.



The school provides transportation service. To ensure that the bus arrives to school on time, students who subscribe to the use of the school bus should not delay the driver. Students should be ready and waiting for the school bus by 6.00am in the morning.

This service is only available for paid up students. Very limited spaces are available.



The academy operates a sick-bay managed by a qualified nurse who will cater for mirror ailments and administer first aid and OTC drugs. Medicals expenses incurred in the sick bay are taken care of by the Academy.


Students with serious emergency cases will be referred to our official hospital, and parents/guardians will undertake the medical expenses incurred by their wards in such referred cases. The school will attempt to inform parents/guardian before a student is referred: however if the school is unable to reach the parent/guardian, the student will still be referred. Parents are advised to ensure that sick wards are kept back from school for proper medical care. The management should be duly informed on such occasions.



The Academy provides lunch service to the students between 2.10pm-2.30pm and also during break. This is a fee paying and optional service. The academy also has a well stock tuck shop.



The Academy encourages and promotes proper dressing and appearance code. Therefore students are expected to be neatly and decently dressed in the approved school uniforms at all times. Uniforms must be properly tucked in at all times.

Nails must be kept clean and short. Note however, that proper grooming and etiquette will be part of their regular curriculum along with other rules, manners and morals.



The boys-short equal height haircuts, properly combed

The girls-short weaving or braiding without hair attachments and accessories. School will advise on hairstyle for each period; girls to comply



The academy uniform is made up of:

Boys: (Junior) – A Lemon short sleeved shirt, maroon colored bermuda Trouser with black belt and tie

Boys: (senior) – A Lemon sleeved shirt, maroon colored pair of trousers with black belt and tie

Girls (primary and junior) – a Lemon short sleeved shirt, maroon colored pinafore with tie with a waist coat

Girls: (senior) – a Lemon short sleeved blouse, maroon colored skirt and tie with a waist coat


Below is the approved set of wears required per student








Logo/bermuda shorts

2 pairs

Maroon colored skirt/trousers with  waist coat

Academy shirts

2 pairs

Academy shirts with logo

White socks *

5 pairs 

White socks*

Black shoes/loafers*

2 pairs 

Black shoes/loafers*

Sports wear

1 pair 

Sport wear

Academy tie


Academy tie

White canvass*

1 pair

White trainers*

* The asterixed items are to be provided by the students. The rest of the uniforms are to be provided by the academy’s approved filters only.

All students must wear white socks and black shoes/loafers.

Note that ankle socks are not allowed.

The academy frowns seriously at any attempt by students to amend their uniforms differently from the approved style and fittings 



Salient information requiring attention of parents is communicated via newsletters/ media social. Approved channel of information between school and parents is via the academy’s principal.



A list of recommended textbook is available at the Academy’s Administrations Department. 

Ensure that your child has a complete set of all recommended textbooks.

Please note that the list is not exhaustive and students are encouraged to consult other textbooks related to the subjects for further readings.

Only exercise books supplied to students by the Academy are allowed


We offer the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum with excellent links with the Nigerian Curriculum using some Montessori principles and resources.



Our site-based curriculum ensures a smooth flow from the Early Years in Infant School to Year 6 where the Junior School curriculum culminates. This is aso supported by our ICT equipped Lab to enable students have online examinations, learn coding, website designs and other 21st century tech skills.



  • The school period starts 7:45am, Monday to Friday. The regular classes end at 2:00pm and school closes at 3:30pm. However, if the need arises, the authority will inform parents of any change.
  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for the punctuality of their children/wards
  • Parents/Authorized persons are requested to kindly pick up their wards promptly after the close of school.
  • No child should arrive at the school premises earlier than 7.15am. No child should be in the premises of the school after 4.30pm


  • To encourage good reading culture, avoid idleness and residential inconveniences,   the school has in place and after school coaching session for students between the hours of 2:30pm and 3:30pm daily, except Fridays and Wednesdays.
  • All final year students (YEAR 6, JSS3 and SSS3), throughout the session.
  • All other students in the third term.


  • Both the Federal and State governments are of the policy that students should be exposed to co-curricular activities organized clubs available in their schools. these are grouped into two: Subject Oriented societies e.g. JETS club, Homemakers club, press, literary and debating societies, Drama and Dance club, etc.
  • Moral oriented societies like Red-Cross, etc.
  • Every student should belong to, at least a club or society. Each activity will be paid for by the students as at when it occurs.


The Academy also recognizes the inherent benefits of other activities and therefore promotes them. These are:

  • EXCURSION: These are educational trips to places of interest geared towards expanding the students’ horizon.
  • Outdoor Sports: This involves intense coaching leading to championship competitions in sporting activities like swimming and basketball. The coaching is handled by a professional.
  • Each activity is paid for by the students as at when it occurs. Participation is voluntary.
  • Outdoor competitions organised by other schools


This comes up at the end of every academic session. It is ceremony culminating to the award of prizes of excellence in performance in different spheres of activities during the course of the session by students and teachers.  It is fee paying and compulsory activity.



At the end every term, Parents are issued with the bill for the next term. Payment is made thus:


  • All students must pay up outstanding fees for previous term before resumption into new term
  • All students to pay up each term’s fees before the end of the first week of resumption.
  • All final years’ students (JSS3 and SS3) to pay their fees TWICE in the session. The fees for the three terms are divided into 2 equal parts. The 1stpaid in the first term for each payment is to be made before the end of the first week of resumption.
  • All fee defaulting students will be sent out of school by the second week of resumption. Except there is an agreed payment plan with the school.
  • All payment to be made in the school designated bank; tellers presented to school; and school payment receipt issued


STEVE-UNIC Academy’s strength lies in the student’s excellent performance. Performance here is not just academic, but the over-all development of the whole person. Therefore on admission, the class teacher closely monitors and assesses the child’s over-all development throughout the session in order to achieve excellence in that child. In addition, other teachers are trained to mentor and closely observe students and make report to the management. For effectiveness, parents are co-opted to complement the work of the school by closely monitoring the behavior of their children at home and discussing with the school for the overall good of the child. The academy encourages healthy and result oriented school/parent relationship to discuss the child’s progress and performance on regular basis. To further attain this excellence in performance, STEVE-UNIC Academy has the following tools to monitor performance.  


  • Checklist for note and text books: The school has compiled a checklist for note and textbooks. This is a register of all the subject notebooks and textbooks a child should have. Parents are advised to keep a copy of this essential tool to monitor their movement and ensure that these books are intact.
  • Special Note book: the Academy does not encourage borrowing of classmate’s note books by students, hence the introduction of the special book. This is a note book kept in the custody of the class teacher and will be released to the student whenever he/she misplaces his/her original notebook for copying of class work. The student’s transfers the work in this note book into the original note book whenever, it is found.
  • Assignment diary: This is a book that contains an inventory of assignments and projects given to the student by the subject teacher as they occur. In STEVE-UNIC Academy, Homework is considered a serious business. Parents are encouraged to check the book for any assignment and ensure that the child sits down, studies and does his assignments. This will also develop a good study habits in the child. Failure to complete or do assignment affects a child’s overall performance and may result to failure. Parents must sign the assignment diary.


The laboratories for chemistry, physics, biology and home economics are equipped with appropriate equipment for effective sound practicals. The school also has an I.C.T laboratory. I.C.T/Science practical are fee paying.



The school provides transportation service. To ensure that the bus arrives to school on time, students who subscribe to the use of the school bus should not delay the driver. Students should be ready and waiting for the school bus by 6.00am in the morning.

This service is only available for paid up students. Very limited spaces are available.



The academy operates a sick-bay managed by a qualified nurse who will cater for mirror ailments and administer first aid and OTC drugs. Medicals expenses incurred in the sick bay are taken care of by the Academy.


Students with serious emergency cases will be referred to our official hospital, and parents/guardians will undertake the medical expenses incurred by their wards in such referred cases. The school will attempt to inform parents/guardian before a student is referred: however if the school is unable to reach the parent/guardian, the student will still be referred. Parents are advised to ensure that sick wards are kept back from school for proper medical care. The management should be duly informed on such occasions.



The Academy provides lunch service to the students between 2.10pm-2.30pm and also during break. This is a fee paying and optional service. The academy also has a well stock tuck shop.



The Academy encourages and promotes proper dressing and appearance code. Therefore students are expected to be neatly and decently dressed in the approved school uniforms at all times. Uniforms must be properly tucked in at all times.

Nails must be kept clean and short. Note however, that proper grooming and etiquette will be part of their regular curriculum along with other rules, manners and morals.



The boys-short equal height haircuts, properly combed

The girls-short weaving or braiding without hair attachments and accessories. School will advise on hairstyle for each period; girls to comply



The academy uniform is made up of:

Boys: (Junior) – A Lemon short sleeved shirt, maroon colored bermuda Trouser with black belt and tie

Boys: (senior) – A Lemon sleeved shirt, maroon colored pair of trousers with black belt and tie

Girls (primary and junior) – a Lemon short sleeved shirt, maroon colored pinafore with tie with a waist coat

Girls: (senior) – a Lemon short sleeved blouse, maroon colored skirt and tie with a waist coat


Below is the approved set of wears required per student








Logo/bermuda shorts

2 pairs

Maroon colored skirt/trousers with  waist coat

Academy shirts

2 pairs

Academy shirts with logo

White socks *

5 pairs 

White socks*

Black shoes/loafers*

2 pairs 

Black shoes/loafers*

Sports wear

1 pair 

Sport wear

Academy tie


Academy tie

White canvass*

1 pair

White trainers*

* The asterixed items are to be provided by the students. The rest of the uniforms are to be provided by the academy’s approved filters only.

All students must wear white socks and black shoes/loafers.

Note that ankle socks are not allowed.

The academy frowns seriously at any attempt by students to amend their uniforms differently from the approved style and fittings 



Salient information requiring attention of parents is communicated via newsletters/ media social. Approved channel of information between school and parents is via the academy’s principal.



A list of recommended textbook is available at the Academy’s Administrations Department. 

Ensure that your child has a complete set of all recommended textbooks.

Please note that the list is not exhaustive and students are encouraged to consult other textbooks related to the subjects for further readings.

Only exercise books supplied to students by the Academy are allowed